Alien Sky Anthology Now Available

Hey, there. My story, “To Mine Blood” can now be found in the sci-fi anthology, Alien Sky, published by Another Sky Press. I have provided a helpful graphical synopsis of the story below so that you can determine whether or not it is your bag of tea:


There are like a jillion places to buy it. Here, check it out:



Book Depository (ships internationally)

Another Sky Press

Thanks, everybody!

Short Story Being Published in Sci-Fi Anthology, “Alien Sky”

Hey now,

I’ve got a short (actually quite long, in honesty) story being published in this sci-fi anthology that’s coming out in March. The story is called “To Mine Blood.” It has blood in it. I’m not a big sci-fi guy so I’d like to think I wrote a sci-fi story for people not into sci-fi, but you tell me (once you’ve spent money on it and are already stuck with a copy…).

You can pre-order the anthology right the heck now by clicking on this:

Alien Sky Cover_

Community Spec Script – “The Science of Sleep Deprivation”

This is a spec script (my first one ever for anything) that I wrote for this TV show called Community that I believe some people like.


If you’re interested, after the jump I’ve written a big, rambly postmortem sort of thing of the whole screenplay.

The Unfortunate Death of the Man of the Leftmost Mountain

There was a circle of ten or so mountains each about 3000 meters tall and 200 meters apart from one another. Atop these mountains, on the very peaks, lived one man apiece.

One day one of the men on one of the mountains (the leftmost one if you were looking at it from the southeastmost one, if you want to know) got up in the morning and, after having his morning coffee, realized with a tinge or two of remorse, that he was dying.

And so, after washing the dishes, he ventured out of his cabin at the tip of the mountain and stood on the tip there, cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted:

“My friends, I regret to inform you that I am dying.”